Style Guide and Dialogue Formatting Syntax

When and How to Style Your Character's Text

Style Guide

To maintain a consistent style across the game, all characters should adhere to some basic dialogue guidelines.


Two basic methods can be used to apply special formatting to dialogue within SPNATI:


HTML tags are more straightforward and should be more familiar to most writers. However, for technical reasons they are also fairly limited.


<i>italicized text</i>

One line<br>Two lines

This text has<hr>horizontal lines<hr>that separate it
Tag Description
<i> Applies italics.
<br> Inserts a linebreak.
<hr> Starts a new line of text, and also divides those lines using a horizontal rule (line).

Style Specifiers

To apply more complex and richer formatting, you can use style specifiers.

These can be used within dialogue as follows:

{mystyle} This text is styled.

{styleA} This text uses {styleB} two different styles

{styleC} This text starts off styled {!reset} then returns to normal

{styleE styleF} You can also apply multiple styles at once to text

The text within the {curly braces} indicates what styles to apply to the following text. Multiple styles can be specified by separating them with spaces.

Custom styles can be created per-character using CSS, to produce unique text effects. (TODO: document this?)

SPNATI includes several pre-packaged styles that can be used without any custom setup, however, covering a few common text effects and formatting.

Specifier Description
{!reset} Resets all following text to the default style.
{i} Applies italics, identically to <i> tags. Included for completeness.
{b} Applies boldface.
{u} Applies underlining.
{s} Applies ~~strikethrough~~.
{highlight} Surrounds text with a yellow highlight.
{mono} Displays text with a monospaced font (does not change text background).
{small} Makes text small.
{big} Makes text big.